2024 GDC Sports Season “Fun Games”. 1718862610

2024 GDC Sports Season “Fun Games”.


As the early summer breeze gently blows, the GDC Sports Season kicked off as scheduled on June 6th, 

attracting enthusiastic participation from all employees with a series of unique and fun competitions.

Over a hundred colleagues from GDC were evenly divided into four teams: red, blue, yellow, and green. 

This sports season aims to enhance team cooperation and showcase the positive and energetic spirit of GDC employees through enjoyable and relaxed competitions.


In the tug-of-war contest, the red team members worked together with outstanding coordination and strong cohesion, 

successfully defeating the other teams to win the first place. 

The subsequent caterpillar race further tested team collaboration and coordination. 

Each team member lined up and squatted down, grabbing the ankle of the person in front. 

At the command, everyone coordinated seamlessly to move toward the finish line. 

The red team, with its excellent teamwork and coordination, completed the race in the shortest time and won the championship for this event.



The penguin walk race that followed was also filled with fun. 

Each participant had to carry three balloons, with one clamped under each armpit and one between the legs, for a relay race. 

The green team members, with their excellent balance and teamwork, 

successfully completed this seemingly simple but actually challenging task in the shortest time, earning rounds of applause from the audience.


The final drum-ball game tested both teamwork and strategy. 

Each team member pulled one or two strings attached to the drum, working together to rhythmically and steadily bounce a tennis ball. 

The green team, with their stable performance and precise coordination, bounced the ball the most times in 90 seconds, winning the championship for this event.


The GDC Sports Season was not only a grand competition but also an exercise in team spirit. 

During the competitions, team members encouraged and supported each other, fighting for the honor of their teams. 

After the competitions, everyone exchanged experiences and shared joy, deepening mutual friendship and understanding. 

This relaxed and joyful atmosphere not only showcased the excellent humanistic environment at GDC but also stimulated employees' enthusiasm and creativity at work.


Through this sports season, GDC employees not only exercised their bodies and improved their teamwork skills but also gained happiness and friendship. 

This positive and energetic spirit will inject new vitality into the company's development, driving GDC to continue advancing on its future path.